Friday, January 8, 2010

Well, it must be January in Kentuckiana. There's snow on the ground, the temperature would have to warm up to freezing, and I have been in the house for four days straight! I was back to work for 1 1/2 days before the snow came. Before that, I had been off for two weeks on Christmas break! Can you say "CABIN FEVER"? Well, at least we did get some things done around the house. I have uploaded some pictures of our projects as well as some random stuff. We built a headboard out of an old solid oak door that we bought at the Habitat Restore for $10. If you have never been to a Restore you have got to go! We find some really cool stuff there that has come out of the houses in Old Louisville. When you have a 100 year old house, it comes in mighty handy. The headboard was fun...we just added some 2x4s, molding, and paint, and voila!
The other project was this neat little bird feeder made out of glass vases, bowls and saucers. Just Goop them together. I am a huge believer in the power of GOOP! This slips over a post hammered into the ground in your yard. We'll see how it fares after the birds in one of the other pictures gets through with it!! In that picture the birds are actually eating the dogs' food out of their doghouse...brazen hussies! There were about a hundred more watching and waiting their turn from the powerlines!
Hope you enjoy the pictures...keep warm and keep happy!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, I am not quite as talented or have the vision you have for making bed post out of doors but I do like looking and seeing other folks ideas. Great job hope to see the real thing soon.
